Right Whales
Stop offshore wind energy to save the North Atlantic right whale.
Aug 6, 2024: SRWC Year to Date Summary Read
Aug 5, 2024: SRWC finds deficiencies in federal oversight of
Atlantic Shores and SouthCoast offshore Wind projects Read
Jan 18, 2024: Wind industry activity strongly correlated with whale deaths, new study finds Read
Jan 1, 2024: Associated Press spreads disinformation on wind industry role in Whale deaths Read
Sept 11, 2023: New report reveals much louder sonar levels than expected Read
Titled "Thrown to the Wind," the documentary that brings attention to the correlation between the expansion of offshore wind energy and the rise in whale deaths along the East Coast.
URGENT: Offshore wind will drive right whales to extinction. Read our letter.
Two government agencies are enabling the destruction of critical whale habitat, all in the name of climate change. But a whistleblower has spoken out.

That’s the number of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales that are in existence. That’s all.
Their existence is threatened by habitat destruction off the East Coast, including offshore wind farms planned to be built in their breeding and foraging areas.
Yet, the greatest threat to North Atlantic Right Whales comes from an unusual source: environmental groups including Sierra Club, Audubon Society, and National Wildlife Federation
A recent investigation found many conservation groups accept millions of dollars in donations from the offshore wind industry. In other words, they’re getting paid to ignore the plight of right whales. It’s a betrayal of their donors, their mission, and the whales.

We are lifelong nature lovers and conservationists who are speaking out against the threat to critical breeding habitat of the North Atlantic Right Whale along the Atlantic Coast.
We are from New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, and other states along the east coast, fighting to stop the threat to the proven habitat of North Atlantic Right Whales
Take action: Right Whales, right now!
Help us help the whales. We've made it easy.
Please help us save these magnificent creatures from extinction. We need citizens, scientists, conservationists, whistle-blowers, activists, and troublemakers with the courage to speak out. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, money to help us grow, or energy to put political pressure on our governments to change, we need you on our team.

“During the 2021 North Atlantic right whale calving season, researchers identified 19 live calves. Only 22 births were observed during the previous four calving seasons combined, which is less than one-third the previous average annual birth rate for right whales.”
— NOAA — National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July 2021